I forgot how many tiny familiar details combine to form the comfortable web of our lives as we know it -- bank accounts, credit cards, utilities, the fastest way to get to work, even just knowing where's the nearest place to get good bagels. It's taken us weeks to get all the usual accounts set up and we still don't know where to get a good bagel.
Still, we've settled nicely into the new apartment, apart from a little scare with our new barbecue and the sprinkler over our terrace...suffice to say that after we had the coals flaming away, we panicked when we noticed that little spout above us and had to put the flames out quickly (Cliphy's lung power was amazing ;-) in case we set off the sprinklers for the building. Not exactly a proud entry in the annals of the famed Australian barbecuing tradition.
We later found that we panicked for nothing because the sprinkler may have been above the barbecue on the terrace -- but the sensor was out in the hallway. So the picture above's from a later, more successful attempt.
Still, we've settled nicely into the new apartment, apart from a little scare with our new barbecue and the sprinkler over our terrace...suffice to say that after we had the coals flaming away, we panicked when we noticed that little spout above us and had to put the flames out quickly (Cliphy's lung power was amazing ;-) in case we set off the sprinklers for the building. Not exactly a proud entry in the annals of the famed Australian barbecuing tradition.
We later found that we panicked for nothing because the sprinkler may have been above the barbecue on the terrace -- but the sensor was out in the hallway. So the picture above's from a later, more successful attempt.