Driving from Christchurch (a fun city in its own right, from the Botanic Garden to Sol Square) to Nelson takes about 6 hours through beautiful mountain passes -- a landscape that makes you feel like you're in a car ad or the world's biggest Imax film. Nothing can really prepare you for the pristine beauty, expanse of nature and just raw magnificence. Yeah, we liked it.

Kiwis have got to be some of the friendliest and open people anywhere, maybe it's due to all the fabulous wine they make. In our little area, there were dozens of vineyards -- really too many to visit, though we gave it our best shot!

Drove back down on the coastal highway, stopping along the way to eat fresh crayfish, pick berries and watch fur seals along the coast at Kaikoura. Stayed a night at a cute farmstay, where we met Jennifer Lopig.
We were having such a great time, we delayed our flight for 2 days. (If it were up to me, I'd still be there...) Topping it all off, we left Christchurch at 6am, and were having dim sum in Sydney by 10!
Check out our New Zealand photos.